Make your mobile app Datafree.


By defining your app configuration in our Datafree Portal, all traffic—even 3rd party traffic for resources, CDNs and analytics—can be made datafree by sending all requests via our Datafree Gateway.

To create a Switch app in our self-serve Datafree Portal, you define all the domains related to traffic requests in your app. Each of those domains gets mapped to a unique datafree domain so that the request comes through our Datafree Gateway.

Once you have defined your app domains and mapped them to datafree domains, you go through your app and replace the domains in all URLs with the datafree ones. Once complete and tested, you now have a new datafree app to publish and distribute.


Requests coming from the app on the device go via the mobile network to our Datafree Gateway, which then forwards the request to back end servers.

Since our Gateway sits on IP addresses that are already zero rated with the mobile networks, the request is datafree.

We add value to your reverse billed solution

Once your app is set up using Datafree Switch, it is automatically datafree across all the Mobile Network Operators (MNOs). Cut down the paperwork by not having to deal with multiple MNOs.

You can also become a Licensee and use our cloud-based Datafree Platform services anywhere in the world.

You have full control of your reverse billed solution. Using our Datafree Portal, you can enter daily and/or monthly data consumption quotas. This allows you to manage your data bill and receive alerts when you are getting close to your consumption limits.

Through our robust reporting, we provide visibility of your data usage. We provide granular reporting on data consumption, MNO breakdowns, data optimisation analytics, total users and user engagement.

The Datafree Platform is highly secure. We only allow whitelisted traffic to traverse our Gateway. Unregistered domains and IP addresses are blocked and logged. Datafree prides itself on customer service. We are an email or phone call away to provide answers to your questions.

Read more about Datafree Reach in our Knowledge Base